
Safety of Air and CO2 paintball tanks.

An Unfortunate accident in the US is a timely reminder for all paintballers to respect air tanks and be very careful in how they are handled and repaired. In the last week a Cherryville man died after an accident in his own home whilst trying to repair his CO2 Cylinder. All paintballers in Australia should … Continued

Vic 5s 2015 Round 1 Preview

2014 overall was a fantastic year for Victorian Paintball. We had the Newborough based side H20 (Hard to Overcome) dominate for the first 4 out of 5 rounds before being pipped in round 5. While they still walked away with the Div1 title for the year it certainly sets the scene for 2015. With round … Continued

Data Review from Victorian Paintball Survey – Part 2

This is the continuation of the paintball player survey recently conducted to help the Paintball Association of Victoria gauge the thoughts of tournament players. We covered the first 5 questions out of 10. If you have not had a look at the first 5 questions results click here for part 1.

Data Review from Victorian Paintball Survey – Part 1

Recently Victorian Paintball players were asked to complete a 10 question survey on tournament paintball in Victoria. I will be running through the details here and adding some thoughts. The raw data will be unchanged but some clarification and context will be added where it helps. I will also be adding some thoughts where they … Continued

The Future of Tournament Paintball part 2

The Future of Tournament paintball part 2. For Part one click here Money Money…. Probably the hardest to do anything about. But once you look a little closer there are a few factors that we can look at. Th GFC caused a lot of problems for paintball. Not just paintball in America but Europe and … Continued

A look at Ramping

Ramping is a term used in the tournament paintball but most people outside the tournament paintball community (and probably some Melbourne Paintball players) may not have heard about it and may not be clear as to what it means.

Booking the Marcello Clinic…

To make it easier to book please follow the instructions below. We will not be allowing not paying tournament players to attend the venue. This is obviously a truly closed session.                                                 … Continued

Snipers Den Paintball Melbourne – Special Ops

Snipers Den Paintball Melbourne is on the verge of announcing the next evolution in paintball games. We will soon be introducing the Melbourne paintball community to a new option for paintballing in Melbourne. At Snipers Den Paintball Melbourne we understand how hard it is to put a group together. Very soon we will be putting … Continued