Vic5s – Retro Round – 5th April 2020
The Vic5s Retro Round is upon us so lets get some regos rolling!
We are going back to a single point, round robin format, just like the old days..
Uncapped Semi, Centre Flag Games – 3min ea.
Points System :
25pts for a Flag Pull
50pts for a flag Flag Hang
5pts per live player – on the winning team only
Bonus points!
Each Pump – 5 pts
Each Mechanical – 5pts
$300 rego per team (regardless of Division)
Draxxus Gold (confirmed) – $80 per box
Rego payment needs to be made 1 week prior to the event and rego form must be filled out. (Paint sorted on the day)
Payment can be made by PayPal or bank transfer.
PayPal –
Bank Transfer – Acc Name : Snipers Den, BSB: 083-337, Acc: 32-500-4667
Best dressed in the retro theme – Free box of Draxxus Gold! – As voted by Refs inc.
Cheers – Hope to see you all there!
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