Changes to Advertising of Paintball Markers in Victoria.
Advertising Paintball Markers in Victoria
There has been a big change as far as the rules surrounding the advertising and selling of paintball markers in Victoria.
Beyond paintball these changes impact the sale and advertising of all firearms in Victoria.
So lets open with the big one….
Advertising Online.
Paintball markers and firearms can now be advertised online and no longer need to be done through a club or sport shooting magazine.
There is no longer a restriction on where paintball markers and firearms can be advertised. You can now advertise your paintball marker on facebook, gumtree, ebay etc without an issue.
There are certain rules that you will need to follow (refer below) but it is far more open than it has ever been.
Here is an excerpt from the announcement on the Victoria Police website.
“Places where Advertisements can be made
From May 2018, the advertisement of firearms for sale will no longer be limited publications of approved clubs or commercially published firearm or sport shooting magazines.
This means firearms can be advertised for sale anywhere, including online, provided that the advertisement details the serial number of the firearm for sale and the dealer’s details or the owner’s licence number as required.
Advertisements listed on third-party trading websites such as Gumtree or eBay will still need to comply with the service provider’s terms and conditions of use.”
Link to Victoria Police Announcement
Who can advertise paintball markers for Sale in Victoria?
If you own a paintball marker in Victoria, you can advertise if for sale. You no longer need to have a firearm dealer advertise a paintball marker on your behalf.
In the paintball industry, we unfortunately have not had the depth that is necessary to produce the magazines or sales infrastructure needed and the ability to advertise has been borderline impossible. Individuals can now advertise directly online or elsewhere provided that it includes the following information :
- A statement confirming that it will be sold through a dealer. (I would recommend nominating the dealer)
- Serial Number of firearm
- Sellers license number (don’t put other details such as exp date though)
Here is the wording from the Victoria police website:
“From May 2018, it will no longer be an offence for a person who is not a Licensed Firearms Dealer to advertise the sale of firearms if they include the following details in the advertisement:
- A statement that the proposed sale is to be arranged (i.e. brokered) through a Licensed Firearm Dealer (see s.101(1)(b) of the Firearms Act 1996);
- The serial number of the firearm being offered for sale (see s.101(3)(a) of the Firearms Act 1996); and
- The registered owner’s licence number (see s.101(3)(b) of the Firearms Act 1996).
Changes to rules on advertising do not:
- Alter the requirement of the buyer to be correctly licenced to possess use and carry the firearm; or
- Remove the requirement for firearms to be transferred between the seller and the buyer through a Licensed Firearms Dealer using a Permit to Acquire.”
Link to Victoria Police Announcement
Some other changes to advertising of paintball markers
A few other small points that I have picked up which are quite interesting.
- You can advertise a paintball marker or firearm on behalf of someone else even if you do not hold the appropriate licence – so long as you are not in possession of it.
“A person other than the licensed owner of a firearm can advertise the firearm for sale at the request of the owner, however, the person who placed the advertisement cannot keep the firearm in their possession unless they are also a licence holder who holds the same category of licence as the firearms being offered for sale and the capacity to store the firearms in accordance with Schedule 4 of the Firearms Act 1996.” - If a Firearm dealer advertises the paintball marker for sale, they need to include the firearm dealer number, Serial number of marker and Licence of the actual owner.
Contact Snipers Den to arrange a transfer
We have the ability for firearm storage and transfers onsite now so the process is super smooth. Book your PTA electronically and get it all done onsite.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Get selling!