Vic5s R2 Registration R2 – 7th May 2017
Once again the time has come to get the registrations in for the Vic5s paintball tournament.
We are likely to have enough teams this round for 2 divisions.
Division 1 or open and will be suitable for the existing paintball teams that have played previous Vic5s events or equivalent level of competition.
This division will be Mercy 3 as per R1. Round Robin with finals for 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th. Price has dropped to $500 Registration per team with $50 off for every interstate team on your roster for the event.
Full interstate teams – Free Rego.
Division 2 is designed for fresh teams that have started coming up through the Melbourne Paintball League or other lower level competitions. Division 2 will still need to have their own equipment.
Mercy 2 mode will be used for div 2 with finals for 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th. Registration for Div 2 will be $250 per team.
The event is once again reffed by Refs inc who have been fantastic so far. They have been instrumental in the growth of the Vic5s paintball tournament since inception in 2009.
Paintball are available on the day with both Marballizer ($85) and Formula 13 ($75) expected to be available.
Please fill out the registration form below and we will be in touch with an invoice. Hope to see you all at Snipers Den Paintball for a shoot!

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