Vic5s Tournament Entry Summary
2017 Vic5s Tournament Rundown
A quick collection of where we are up to with the Vic 5s coming up.
A few things have changed since last year which changes the nature of how it all plays out. To clear confusion… here is where we are up to.
1. One Day event
Vic 5s Paintball Tournament will be on Sunday 19th March.
With the reduced number of teams in Victoria, and the event, we are able to fit in all the games into one day quite comfortably. When we tried to add more games last year and keep it as a two day paintball tournament, we had some teams struggle to afford the extra paint that it required. 1 day will keep us with plenty of games, while keeping the paintball cost manageable. Regos are slightly reduced on last year to reflect the single day element.
2. G5 Clinic on the Sat
G5 Paintball clinic will be on Sat 18th March.
There will be an optional clinic on the Sat on the final Vic5s layout. This will be provided by G5 Paintball Clinics with Kai Harris and Nathan McDonnell.
The cost of the training will be the same as a normal training day. $20 per person for field fee and normal price on the paintballs. $65 for the Formula 13 and $75 for the Marballizer.
As we are covering the costs of the clinic partly out of paint sales, field paint only please. Partial boxes can be carried over to the Sunday.
3. Costs and Rego
The tournament rego cost has been reduced to $600 from $650 to help with the 1 day factor.
This rego is reduced by $50 for each interstate player you bring to help offset travel costs and fully interstate teams we are waiving the rego completely.
We are hoping to do everything in our power to bring fresh paintball teams and paintball players from interstate to help bolster the scene down here.
To register please head to the rego page as part of the blog. Vic5s Rego
We will email the invoice after we receive the entry to allow us to adjust the costing.
Paintballs done need to be preordered. Please try to stick to the paintball brand breakdown in your registration as we will likely use this to assist in the ordering.
We will have :
Formula 13 – $75
Marballizer – $85
Start and End times
G5 Clinic
Sat 18th March. 8.30 Gates open, 10am Drill start. Get in early and warm up.
Need to be finished and off field by 3pm. If you are unloading paintballs, please don’t shoot up the bunkers. The early finish is to allow us to clean the field for the tournament the following day.
BBQ will be hot if you want to BYO meat or bring a cut lunch.
Vic5s Tournament
Gates open 7am
Captains meeting at 8am
First game 8.30
We are aiming for 1 lap of Round Robin plus finals.
Expecting 7-8 teams in Div 1 at this stage.
We will have lunch available on the day of the tournament. Let us know if you have any specific dietary requirements.
Looking at a mixed Subway platter per team at this stage.
We have had some interest in Div 2 option. If we get a few extras we can run a second division. Wanting 4 as a minimum to separate – let us know how you if this is of interest.
Any questions – please get in touch and we can modify this post to suit.
Mathew – Snipers Den and Vic 5s